Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I used to attend a bible camp during the summers we were here in the states.  I would sometimes go with a group of youth from our church, but usually I was on my own.

One particular summer, I was the lone stranger in a room full of girls from another church.  They were the kind of catty friends that only got along because they didn't.  Thankfully for me, they only fought with one another, and didn't choose to include me in their fights.  I spent a lot of the week listening as each girl complained about the others, or mediating their fights.  

At the end of the week we had an opportunity to share our highs and lows.  When my turn came around they all looked at me very surprised when I answered that my high of the entire week of camp had been the night our cabin had kitchen patrol.  I explained to them that it was the only night everyone had gotten along.  I told them it was the only time I had heard them encourage one another.  As an added bonus we had completed our KP duties in record time.  I think we even exchanged high fives as a group.  They laughed together as I shared my insights about that night.  They also agreed that it had been a fun night and had enjoyed working together.

If you were to ask me what my favorite chore is, hands down I would tell you it is washing the dishes.  As a camper, that week especially, it helped us bond and work together amidst a great deal of dysfunction.  When I was a counselor, I enjoyed the opportunity to talk with my campers, sing songs and reflect on our day's activities.  My dishwashing skills were recognized and appreciated on my first camping trip with Nick's family.  I have even used dishwashing as an excuse to get out of a few undesired activities, namely charades with the in laws.

Tonight, I got to add another reason to my list of why I love dishwashing.  With Nick back at work, he has taken over the duty of putting Briony to bed at night.  Our daughter loves her bedtime routine.  I may seem crazy to speculate that a nine week old knows when it is time for bed at night, but she does.  As Nick changed her into her pajamas she started to coo at him.  It is one of the sweetest, most delightful sounds I have ever heard.  My heart absolutely melted.  Tonight, I would have washed all the dishes in the house if it had meant I could prolong those precious moments between dad and daughter.

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