Friday, November 5, 2010

Celebration of Life and Death

We had our 25 week prenatal appointment this morning and there is absolutely nothing sweeter to hear than the heart beat of our growing baby.  I seriously count down the days until each appointment just for those few seconds of sound bites.  With a heart rate of 140 beats per minute all checked out well.  I measured right on target for abdominal girth and the weight just keeps going up nice and steady.  All seems well and for that I am so extremely grateful!

Upon leaving the doctor's office, having experienced my own little celebration of the new life growing inside me, we rushed off to the funeral service of Nick's uncle.  Never have I been so vividly reminded of this journey of life that we find ourselves trekking in.  While listening to the speakers recount the life of their dear friend and stories of years gone by, I could feel the tiny movements of our little child inside me.

I couldn't help but marvel at the years of stories that are ahead of us.  I thought about the stories I have had thus far and the milestones I've achieved.  I thought about the memories that are yet to be experienced and how this little one is just embarking on that journey.  This whole life thing is a precious gift and quite the wild ride; today was a perfect illustration of that.

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