Thursday, November 4, 2010

He's Back

My husband is back, my husband back!  No he was not on a trip and never actually physically left for any long period of time.  Today he finished up part two in a three or four part series (I am still trying to understand the process) of exams required for earning his medical degree.  Upon returning home tonight he had endured another eight hour, multiple choice marathon exam.  The last one was over a year ago, but none-the-less...yuck and no thank you I couldn't do it.

Don't get me wrong, he does an amazing job of prioritizing time at home and work.  I have always marveled at that.  It would be so much easier for him to completely immerse himself in school and work, but somehow he manages to find a balance between it all.  For that I am extremely grateful.  But obviously when major exams are close at hand, I lose just a little of his attentiveness.  

It is nights like tonight that remind me how intense this medical degree process is that he and his peers are navigating through.  I never really feel like things are as stressful for him as I am sure they are because he works hard to maintain a healthy perspective of work and home life.  However, when big exams like today are over and I get my entire husband back, then I am reminded of how stressful things can be.  Tonight I enjoyed having my whole husband at home.  The one that is 100% attentive to what is going on, who laughs freely and smiles quickly.  I really am madly in love with this man, and couldn't be more proud of all he does.

So, if I haven't said it enough; tonight I am thankful for the triumphant return of my wonderful husband!  :o)

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