When we moved into this house, we were both so excited. There was so much potential and it was so freeing to be able to morph this four sided structure into our very own home. And a home it certainly has become. Nick often comments on how awesome it is to come back at the end of the day and be able to relax and melt into our own sanctuary that we've created. I couldn't agree more.
Our kitchen has come so far and I absolutely love to cook in it. It is nearly complete now with the backsplash up. We have a new window to install and then some lighting changes and all will be finished. Here are a few pics of the most recent additions.
I especially love the evenings immediately following a solid house cleaning. For some reason dinner tastes better and the evening seems quieter when everything has been picked up and put away. Today, once the vacuuming, dusting and sweeping was over I sat down and really enjoyed my house. The candles were lit and I just snuggled under a warm blanket on the couch and took it all in. The only thing missing was a great glass of wine, unfortunately baby is still underage. Regardless, I am one lucky gal and so thankful to be a homeowner.
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